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Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor]

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Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor] Empty Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor]

Post by Guest Thu May 20, 2010 8:17 am

Atlacia groaned as she sat up. "Ow.." she whimpered and rubbed her sides, she looked blankly at the street, then where she fell from. Two flights.. on her rips. How did it happen again? Oh yeah she didn't take her pills... Go figure and got lightheaded when she stood on the balcony and next thing she knew, she wason the ground scraped up and in quite a bit of pain. She licked her lips softly and realized there was blood from somewhere. People were staring at her and she could feel it. Flushing slightly, she attempted to run her hands along the pavement for her glasses. She was practically blind and now she was shaken up to. Oh what a sight. Noone helped they all just sort of stared at her. Probably just amazed she was moving. Atlacia sighed, putting on her glasses and frowned deeply; they were bent. Next on the agenda? Contacts.


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Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor] Empty Re: Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor]

Post by Guest Thu May 20, 2010 3:49 pm

Foot steps echoed throughout the street. Why was she alive? no one knew, except this man of course. He was, what many would easily believe, omnipotent or all knowing.The fact of the matter was, he was good with information and, among other things, people. Well, almost good with people. OK fine, he is horrible with people, but he is good with manipulating them every which way. He stopped just in front of the fallen girl and eyed her with a blank stare. She was the one he was looking for, it was a fact. He bent down some and placed a finger in the ground. From there a small flash of light, baby blue erupted for a split second. from there he stood, fully erect, and waited. A few moments later a rumble came from the ground. A few more moments and a large headed, human shaped golem standing at about three to four feet erupted from the ground next to him. The man in the lab coat simply pointed to the girl. In response the golem walked over to her and stood beside her. From there the man in the lab coat bent down once more and tapped the sidewalk once again. The result was the girl being lifted to the height of the golem. He then walked over to the girl and lifter her slightly, and carefully placed her on the golem's head. From there he simply snapped his fingers and the ground returned to what it was before all this happened and the golem started marching off towards the Karson hospital. The man in the lab coat saying nothing or doing nothing else.


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Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor] Empty Re: Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor]

Post by Guest Sun May 23, 2010 2:42 pm

Sure he was all-knowing, but did he surmise this!? Tsune took note of a girl falling two stories. At first he thought what everyone else did. Attempted suicide. Great, another person falling prey to their own mind. He frowned and was about to run to a pay phone to call for help, when he realized she was still moving. Wait, two stories was never enough to kill someone, if she had wanted to commit suicide, she would have gone up to the top floor. Idiot Tsune. He dropped the phone and sprinted over to her. By the time he reached her... a rock...thing sprouted from the ground and reached out for her. Tsune was now officially horrified, but he didn't hesitate. He also recognized the girl as he drew nearer. It was Atlacia! He flung himself between the thing and her before it was able to carry her away to wherever it had intended. He immediately rubbed his hands together and pointed his finger at the golem like a gun. If it attacked, he would shoot and it would melt. How on earth was a hunk of rock moving anyhow?! He looked around frantically and finally realized that a tall man was standing very close. Tsune almost had a heart attack. Frowning, he turned icy blue eyes onto the guy. "Who are you?" He asked, suspiciously. But he didn't wait for an answer before he bent down to Atlacia, still pointing his finger at the moving rock. "Atlacia, it's me Tsune, how badly are you hurt?"


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Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor] Empty Re: Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor]

Post by Guest Sun May 23, 2010 8:36 pm

Atlacia was horrified. Great moving rocks! I must have hit my head. Was her first thought, her second thought was occuring while Tsune seemed to run over and said thought was; Oh no I've been seen and I look ridiculous. The third thought fell from her lips before she could catch it, "My leg hurts." She said suddenly, sort of taking invetory of what was and wasn't boken. It wasn't a death fall, but it was still enough to shake anyone. As she tried to stagger to her feet and fail, she sort of half-clung to Tsune. "Why are those rocks moving?" She whispered, her eyes on the golem thing.


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Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor] Empty Re: Attracting more bad luck [Tsune Atty and the Doctor]

Post by Aurelius Schwartz Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:36 pm

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Aurelius Schwartz
Aurelius Schwartz

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